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More than $23.77 million given to Arizona children since 1999!

AESF 2023-2024 Tuition Funding Breakdown

AESF Tax Credit scholarships paid during FY 2023-2024 to students with family income eligibility requirements defined by the Arizona Department of Revenue

Funding Source Household Income of up to 185% of poverty level Household Income of 185% to 342.25% of poverty level
Scholarships Paid % of overall scholarships Scholarships Paid % of overall scholarships
Original Individual Tax Credit Contributions $335,767 55% $104,531 18%
PLUS/Switcher Tax Credit Contributions $166,252 51% $42,024 13%
Corporate Tax Credit Contributions $206,886 64% $117,946 36%

Family Income Requirements

Household income up to 185% of poverty level
Students whose family income meets the economic eligibility requires established under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Act for free or reduced price lunches (family income up to 185% of poverty level).

Household income of 185% to 342.5% of poverty level
Students whose family income exceeds the threshold under the National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Acts for free or reduced price lunches but does not exceed 185% of the eligibility requirements of those acts (family income from 185% of poverty level to 342.25% of poverty level).